
  • wow .. thats bad .. i feel bad for the .. car :p  i would be really bad if i had a porsche and that happen.. i think the guy did a big mistake

  • I agree, traffic cones are there for a reason. Cement would be really hard to get off of a car. He should not have went around the traffic cones, especially with a porsche that was probably very expensive.

  • That's crazy he is going to have fun cleaning that off of that really expensive car. The traffic cones were their for a reason they aren't just road decorations. I wonder if he ever got the cement off before it dried on his porsche.

  • HAHA that SUCKS!  But you should be smarter then to drive in through wet cement?

  • I saw that on the news yesterday and I thought that it was pretty funny. I think that he deserves it cause he can just wait a little bit and be patince.

  • haha rich people and there fancy cars. To bad 99 percent dont know how to drive them.

  • Wow some people are really dumb. Hello! There are traffic cones there for a reason. They aren't there for you to drive around them and see if you can stop yourself from getting stuck in wet cement.  Wow people these days!

  • im not a genius but im sure traffic cones would be where they are at for a reason, looks like the driver found out the hard way =)

  • HAHA! That's funny, doesn't the driver know that they put traffic cones up for a reason. That is really funny cause it is his fault he drove around the cones.

  • Wow. Traffic cones are there for a reason they aren't exactly just for show. I mean just cause you are in a hurry and you have a fast car doesn't mean you just ignore traffic cone I mean that could have been worse than just wet cement.

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