
After my post about the Obama-bashing video, I saw a lot of people (mostly underclassmen) think that Obama has done nothing for out country and is a terrible person... blah blah blah. But how much do people really know about it?

Everyone has the right to their own opinion but there's some people that just go to far. I don't know if anyone else has the same feelings as I do on this subject. It just really bothers me when people hate on something they just hear about.

Bruns' class has opened my eyes to more about politics and I've actually become more interested in it.

I just hope that people don't take this the wrong way and try to look into something before they think.

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  • Obama has had his ups and downs just like any other president we've ever had. I'm thinking the next president will be average just like him...in my opinion. Politics are intense, I prefer not to choose sides.

  • He has done a good number of things that helped our country. I agree in the fact that people ought to look at the big picture and not judge someone just because of what other people think.

  • I totally agree with you 100%

  • Obama has done stuff for our country. I don't agree with a lot of his more socialist ideals, but I think he's as moderate as Sanatorum or Romney. and yeah teenagers tend to just take their parents political views without even knowing what's going on. That's why teenagers shouldn't vote. hopefully people grow out of it by the time they can vote.

  • i was one of them that hated on obama i wil admit it. but i think since hes became president he has just made us worse. he made us more in debt and sent more troops over right away

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