Officer Christopher Webb was visiting the boy's school for career day. During a presentation Webb asked a group of kids if they wanted to wash his patrol car, one student (R.T) refused and the officer pointed the taser at the boy. Officer Webb told the boy, "Let me show you what happens to people who don't listen to the police." The boy weighs about 100 pounds, was shot with 2 barbs and 50,000 volts of electricity. The boy was sent to the hospital and was diagnosed with post- traumatic stress disorder.
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Terrible!!! Oh My Gosh this is terrible. I can't believe that someone would taze a 10 year old boy because he didn't want to wash his car. People need to think before they act. This police officer chould be punished for his actions.
holy cow thats horible ... why would you do that to a kid! just because he didnt listen doesnt mean you should do that.. little kids dont listen.. poor kid
That's a bad thing, who honestly would do that to a kid? I don't think the police officer was that smart enough to taser a boy just because he didn't wanna wash his car.
If the boy was asked to wash his car, then he wasnt disobeying. He had the option to say no. The policeman should not have tazed him.
Even if pointing the taser at the kid for a joke is still wrong. Pointing a weapon at someone loaded or not is not OK.
that is horrible! this cop should lose his job or the parents should file something. seriously a 10 year old didnt wanna wash your car, get over it.
Wow, what a jerk. He should lose his job over something like that. I can totally see how that would give someone post traumatic stress. The police officer really didn't get disciplined enough.
This is SO wrong. If the child did not want to do it, fine, let his teacher deal with him, you don't have to shoot the kid with a taser. I hope the guy loses his job and the family wins the lawsuit.
Things like this happening are why I sometimes wonder how people can become police in the first place if they would ever act like this