
  • i saw a video where an angry wife slammed her car into her cheating husband's car. she then proceeded to back up and slam into the car again. she did this several times until she parked it and got out. she was arrested immediately. there was no one in her husband's car.
  • Haha! That is ridiculous. I think i have road rage but after reading this i guess not. ha
  • Sounds like the guy has a good sense of humor im sure he was just looking for a good time.
  • he is a very angry man. he needs to relax
  • seems like someone is out to get her
  • That is messed up because he had to have planned that or something
  • i wouldnt want to be that person getting hit i would be like my car hit the gass ahhhhhhhhh run away ya but it would sucka dn crazy ppl these days
  • The person didnt get enough so he went back and hit it again?? there must be something to this, or someone doesnt know how to drive!
  • talk about insane lol
  • well it is apparent that the driver has a few issues!
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