police in the wrong?

In recent news a man in Seattle went to court in order to get his marijuana back.  The judge has also agreed with him now that it is legal to possess marijuana in Seattle, even though the man presented a medical marijuana card.  In response the police have refused to return the marijuana dew to it being a conflict of state and government.

I think that it is wrong that the police are withholding the small amount of marijuana only because it is legal.

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  • if it that big of a deal to him, he should sue the police and get it back.  or he just cut his losses and move on with his life.

  • The police are wrong, first off its medical marijuana.

  • If it was for recreational use maybe, but yes, he has medical card for it. Police are for sure in the wrong. 

  • I think he should get it back now that it's legal but I don't think they should have ever made Marijuana legal anywhere.

  • I think that the police are in the wrong. If the man has a card permitting him to have it, than it is legally his property and they should not be able to just take it. Plus if he has it for medical reasons he is probably in a lot of pain and needs it.

  • Well I don't believe in the use of marjuana but I do think that if its a medical prescription the police do not have the right to withhold the prescription from the patent. It's for a medical reason and they obviously need it for something.
  • If the man presented his card to legally own it he should have gotten it back. Even though it was onlu a small amount of it.

  • Yeah he shouldn't have withheld the pot but this is a very small deal compared to a lot of other stuff that police get away with.

  • Marijuana is not legal in USA just in Netherlands and he has to know that. Maybe there is some states but Siettle is not the one of them.

  • I don't think that marijuana should be legal, and I prolly would be doing the same thing that the police are doing.

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