At Creekside Elementary school in Georgia, the police were called about a 6 year old throwing a tantrum. She had damaged school property and 'attacked' the principal. When the police got there the little girl was on the principal office's floor screaming and crying. The officer tried many times to calm her until the small girl started fighting with him, so he cuffed her and proceeded to take her to the police station.

Her family does not believe that she misbehaved enough to need to be hancuffed.

I think that it was the right thing to do, because it was for her own safety.

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  •  This is so dumb the little girl is 6 how can she "Attack" the principal? Its not like she had a knife or something!! Any little kid is going to fight the police just because they are scared but i think they should have called the parents to come get her first before they hancuffed her.

  • Yea it was probably that best thing the officer could do. I mean handcuffing her might be a little intense but leaving the school was probablt the best thing for everyone.

  • Maybe this will be a good experience for her. I mean there was probably a better way to handle it since she is only 6 years old, but it was not that bad.  

  • Little 6 year olds throw tantrums all the time and sometimes they're REALLY bad. I don't think that this situation was bad enough for her to be handcuffed, though. It's a 6 year old up against probably like, 35-40 year old men. Who's bigger? They should have called the parents, first. 

  • I can't believe that the police officers couldn't get a little 6 year old kid under control and had to result to handcuffing the child. I mean you are a lot bigger and stronger than the child you shouldn't need to use handcuffs.

  • Honestly how could a 6 year old misbehave that much?

  • I dont think there was a reason for her to be cuffed, but she did need to be taken out of the school.  What happened that she had such a bad tantrum.

  • I don't think it was necessary to handcuff her...I am pretty sure a grown policeman that is able to take down actual criminals can take care of a 6 year old little girl. I know kicks hurt, but seriously?

  • They should have called the parents to get her. I dont think she needed to be cuffed. She is 6! No threat tho anyone im sure the cop is bigger than her and could handle himself AND her. Could he not just pick her up... arnt cops supposed to be able to control people like hold them down and stuff... yea not called for

  • I think if they really couldn't control her, I think handcuffing her was the right thing to do but I don't see why the school called the police when they couldv'e just called her parents..

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