
  • I think that the playground is cool and that they shouldn't do that! The kids like bright and big I have a feeling that some very old make a disagreement.

  • This is stupid... Really, though! I mean what playground is TOO colorful? None, that's right! I mean, the parents must hate life because life is COLORFUL!

  • who would be so needlessly strict and raise such a fuss over something that doesn't really matter. I think that they should let things be as they are and not try to coordinate the colors of a city. This is almost reminiscent of a homeowners association.

  • How can a playground be too colorful and big? The color of a park always made me want to play at it and the size made it even better. I think this is just ridiculous!

  • It looks like a tiny playground, and I gurantee those people were pretty excited when COLOR TV came out.

  • This is CRAZY, I have never heard of this before. That is a brand new playground going to waste!!!

  • how can a playground be too big and colorful? that sounds very odd. they should open it back up.

  • This makes no sense. If something was colorful, that would make it better and more fun. What are they going to do to the park now? It doesn't add up, I wonder what the law is that makes this okay.

  • It doesn't look that colorful, it looks like most of the playgrounds around here! Crazy!

  • That is really stupid. I think all playgrounds should all be colorful.

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