On Friday, a plane that left a Malaysian airport went missing. Approximately an hour or so after it left, if fell off of radar without any distress signals. After two days of looking, officials still do not know what happened to it or the 239 people aboard. The only clues they have was that they have found two oil trails in the region of where the plane was.
Something else that adds to the mystery of this plane is that there were stolen passports aboard. It has still yet to be determined if there was any sort of terrorism involved.
Do you think that a plane could just go down without a trace, or did there have to be some sort of foul play involved in this?
Stay away from yes/no questions.
There have been so many conspiracies about this that I don't even know what I think happened.
I'm assuming there was foul play because there is no way you could hide that many passengers without someone noticing somewhere....
the only place and time that It would be missing with out a trace is in the 80's in the Bermuda triangle because aliens. But the other logical possibility is that there was terrorists and they took over the plane and then they flew it to their base and they are going to do a ransom video and make the peoples relatives pay a big some of money or the military is going to get involved and then were will get into another war. So in conclusion it was either aliens or we are headed for a war
I think someone could of set this up especially since there were stolen passports.
It was taken by aliens!
No, it would be very hard to make a plane and 239 passengers go missing. There could of been foul play inferring that people had stolen passports aboard.
My guess is that some one high jacked the plane, and is now at some sort of base run by some other rebellious thug no life's, like terrorists. I do hope that they find the plane and what happened to it, and if my guess is correct, I bet a ransom is bound to happen eventually as well.
How could they stop all the people from making some sort of contact with the outside world? Almost everybody has a cell phone and it doesn't take long to send a single message saying help.
I do think that the stolen passports have something to do with it. Having no clue where a plane has gone and basically no trails or debris to track it down basically makes it seem the the sky swallowed it. You really don't see this happening everyday.