Plane Crash at Iowa Air Show

A pilot was killed on impact at the air show in Davenport, Iowa. The crash is currently being investigated by The Federal Aviation Administration. The crash happened just a couple days after the crash in Reno, Nevada.

This is just terrible, i used to go to these shows with my parents all the time when i was a kid i couldn't imagine this happening at a show that i was at.

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  • That is too bad, it takes a lot of skill to be an air show pilot.

  • Me and my family were thinking about going to that air show. Im kinda glad we didnt go this year and i hope they find out what happend to the plane.

  • Being a pilot is a hard job. This is one of the reasons why I wouldnt want to fly a plane. Its a good thing no one else got hurt in this tragic accident.

  • ah. that his horrible! he will me in my prays and his family. They really need to make sure everything is all good before they go into the air!! never take anything for granted!! something horrible as this could happen in a second!!

  • I feel bad for the pilot, i wonder what happened! Was he really killed on impact or before he went down? (as in a heart attack killed him?) Was anyone else hurt? I hope this doesn't happen again it's so sad and i'm glad they check the planes before they go out!

  • They should of probably check the plane a lot better to make sure that nothing was going on with it and all the other parts.

  • They should inspect all of the planes like many people have said, and i feel bad for the family of the plane driver. I couldn't imagine this happening at one of the shows my dad used to take me to.

  • This is so sad, this is a tricky job where you need to expect the unexpected! I feel bad for the Pilot and his family! This is just tragic.

  • Awe this is so sad! I feel bad for his family, i hope they figure what happen so they can fix it so it doesn't happen to anyone else! I also think that maybe planes should be looked over before going out for a ride

  • Thats really odd. especially how it is just a few days after one in Nevada. I go to those shows in omaha and i can never imagine something like that happening. It would be honestly frightening.

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