A Portland pimp has been sentenced to 100 years in prison for brutally beating a man with his shoes. However, the pimp is suing Nike for not having placed a warning label on the shoes saying that they could be used as a dangerous weapon. The pimp, Sigiorgiro Clardy, is seeking 100 million dollars in the lawsuit. 

When a man refused to pay his prostitute, Clardy repeatedly stomped on the man's face with his Nikes causing the man to require stitches and plastic surgery.

What do you think of the situation? Do you think this man has any chance of winning the lawsuit? Should shoes be labeled as potential weapons?


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  • Crazy story! Good job!

  • I think this sound ridiculous. Anything can hurt anyone. Nike should have nothing to do with this. I don't see this winning anything.

  • I don't think they should be considered harmful because he is the one that chose to stomp on the mans face. He is the one that chose what to do with the shoes.

  • People are insane! I honestly think that he is the only person that would think about using his shoes as weapons. He deserves to go to prison.

  • I think this is kinda stupid like they shouldn't need to put a warning label warning on them no one has ever used a shoe as a weapon. 

  • This guy is really stupid. Anything can be a weapon. People just have some crazy ways of showing anger. He should not be able to file a lawsuit against Nike. I think he just wants some attention.

  • Honestly he will not win, if he does there is something wrong with the judge. If they needed a warning label for being dangerous then they need a warning label for a lot of things. This person is trying to remake the situation when the women sued McDonald's and won. She had a good reason though. 

  • Considering the situation, does this man really have any right to make a lawsuit? If you're going to stomp on someone's face, you're going to mean harm from it. Unless he was wearing cleats, the kind of shoes that he was wearing doesn't matter. 

  • I don't think he will win this because anything could be used as a weapon

  • no thats ridiculous! only a person with some issues would beat up a person with their shoes

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