In San Francisco, on a train ride, a 20 year old male, Justin Valdez, was killed. The question is how did Justin Valdez nor the other people on the train not notice that the gunmen had a gun. Smartphones! Everybody on the train were to into their smartphones to even notice that the gunmen had a gun in his hands. On the train there is a security footage. On the security footage it showed the man having a smile on his face and lifts a .45-caliber handgun in his hand in plan view. Also, the closest the man was to someone was about 2 or 3 feet away. It is like the gunman was acting as casual as he could. In plain view, he waves the weapon as if he is choosing who he wants to kill. Still nobody notices. After waving the weapon 3 or 4 times, he finally chooses Justin Valdez in the back of the train. Nobody noticed until the blast went off! This is serious! This is an extreme and violent example of people being so disconnected to their surroundings and so addicted to their phones.
-After hearing this story. What do you think our future will be like with all the new phones?
-Will people be more addicted to their phones?
-What are your thoughts on this story?
Excellent job Dakota!
I think that there will be a lot better phones and they would look cool and do a bunch of stuff so people will buy them and not know what is going on in their surroundings. This would possibly make the future horrible for people who are obsessed with their phones.
Yeah and the gunmen was only 2 or 3 feet away! It will get worse in my opinion! First texting and driving and now this? What could possibly get worse!
I don't think people will be MORE addicted to their phones. Its to bad that this man had to die just to make us realize that we are to focused on our phone to much of the time, but its okay as long as we learn from it.
Maybe we will learn from it or maybe we won't. It is just really sad what our world has come to with all this new phones and technology.
I think it will just keep getting worse. I think that they will be more addicted to their phones then they already are. It's a sad story but sometimes people just need to pay more attention to their surroundings.
Yeah, I agree not enough people pay enough attention to their surroundings.
It's bad enough already on how much people are addicted to their phones. If it gets taken away then they freak out and act like they can't live. In the future it will most likely get much worse.
Yes, people can not live without them. They use them right when they wake up and go to bed. They are on them constantly. Its ridiculous.
See, we should lower the standards for what phones can do. if we don't, we could see where we are heading for. also, for all we know the government could be using the propaganda to mind control the masses.