Phone calls while in air?

Have you ever been on a plane and had to make a phone call but can't? You now soon might be able to do that. Whenever you are on the plane you are not allowed to make phone calls, it is banned. If they do allow this then it will cost an extra fee for a phone call. Installing the right kind of technology will cost phone companies millions of dollars though. U.S telecom companies could rake in billions which is a big plus. 

I think that this is a good idea because some people might have emergencies and they need to use their phone. If they do pass this then I am interested in knowing how much a phone call would cost and how long can you talk on there. Would they charge you just once for as many calls as you want or charge you for every call? 

Do you think this is a good idea? Would you pay to call people on the plane?

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  • Great job!

  • yeah, and it says some plane you could use wifi, use electronic products

  • This is a good idea. Some plane rides are 14 hours or more, and you need to call people and use your phone. Plus if your bored it will give you something more to do. 

  • I don't think that this is such a good idea. I don't think that you should have to make a call to anyone unless you were a life-threatening situation that was unrelated to the rest of the passengers on the airplane. I think that it would eventually get out of hand and nobody would be able to hear who they were talking to if everyone else was also talking on their phones.

  • I think it would be convenient but I am not sure how much I am willing to pay for just a phone call.  

  • I probably wouldn't pay to call on a plane because the price is probably substantial. I think it is a good idea though to be able to call in emergencies.

  • I feel that if this is used correctly, it could help a lot of people, but if it's not used in the right way it could be a disaster. They need to make sure that they have all the bugs out of the system before they try this with a live flight, because one error is the difference between landing safely at your destination, or being killed in a horrific crash.

  • I don't think that cell phone companies should charge a few to allow you to talk on an airplane. Cell phone companies already charge enough for everything we do, they could give us one thing for free.

  • If the call was important enough I would cal somebody, like if the plane was crashing I would definitely call them

    • If I was one a plane that was going down I would probably be trying to think of way to try and save myself before I started calling people. I think people would be panicking too much to think of calling people if your plane is going down, depending on how much time you had.

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