
our government provide money, and our red cross will provide money and we give them towel,tent,etc!

In2011, China provide 1million dollars, but America government only give them 1/100 compared with us(100,000)( then, they give extra 800,000).And then, phillines have conflict with us...(But we still need to help them,conflict is different from love,ok, so we donate money to them,we did!)Ok, fine,at first, you usually just provide emergency help,like Very Severe Tropical Storm Nargis,then,and so do we!When Hurricane Katrina,we gave America 5 million dollars and lots of goods,but when it comes to our  ice disaster,we received  150,000dollars!

"China is the second largest economy, but it dones’t mean China has to donate the second largest amount of aid to Philippine. US sent its troops to Philippine because Philippine is the US’ ally. In the past whenever Philippine was attacked by nature disasters, China always offered a greate amout of aid. Now Philippine is the adversory of China, China is not obliged to offer too much. When you westerners accused China of its meager aid, can you tell me how much US offered toIran whent Iran was striked by earthquake? Was the aid to Iran by US compared to its status of the largest economy in the world??"

"Considering the hot territorial dispute and the HK hostage incident, it is emotionally difficult to generously aid the Philippines."

"I know there are a lot of people salivating at any chance to bash China.But seriously, China is still dealing with the storm right now, there thousands trapped, tens of thousands homes damaged/destroyed, millions of people affected, no one knows what the final damage will be like at the end.It’s sad if your house got burned down, it’s a little too insensitive to bickering over the donation amount when your neighbour is still busy putting out fire of his house."

"Why would China provide cash? Previous cash provided was just siphoned off to Philippine officials. (eg the Broadband project) and the billions in outstanding loans. The answer here isn’t cash and the amount really should mean anything.

I have little doubt if the Philippines asked their northern neighbours for something (food, tents etc etc) China would generously oblige.

But cash isn’t a solution here and it wasn’t a solution in the boxingday Tsunami either."


Couldn’t agree with StigTW more. Right now what the Filipinos need is food, clean drinking water, medicine, and temporary shelter such as tents.Remember that the Philippines is still a third world nation so even in the best of times these items are lacking. Even if you give them cash to spend, they will still need to purchase it from abroad thus a direct donation of these items will cut out the middleman and speed things up dramatically. The Chinese government could easily say that in lieu of a large cash donation, they will give millions in the form of material assistance instead.

Another reason why cash donations is a bad idea is because the Filipino government is exceptionally corrupt. This is a well-known fact which has held true for decades. Frankly even if just 20% of the cash donation actually manages to reach the disaster victims, it would qualify as a minor miracle."


Its not a surprise that the western media would politicize this tragedy in the Philippines so quickly while events are still unfolding.

Yeah, I hope China will do more than what is being said, but if they did, does anyone really think it would be reported by the Western media? LOL"

"Reuters, shame on your biased reporting to single out China on how much it donates. When Iranhad earthquake, did you report on how much Western countries donated to Iran? When China had earthquake, did you report on some countries’ meager aid to China?"

"Let’s put it this way–if China had promised to donate $10M, it won’t make headlines here, or all over the media. It sure did with a $200K (correction needed by Reuters) pledge."

"I think the 100k is for starters and they said more is coming. Don’t forget Vietnam and china have suffered damage from this same storm as well, latest I heard is about 1 billion in damage in china."

"This is getting so hilarious, the rich americans and westerners begin tocomplain China being so stingy. The world consumes 80 million barrels of oiland the US along consumes 1/4 of that. It’s the developed countries which have produced so much pollution and green house gases to cause these. They should help Philippines to clean up. Finger pointing is so childish."

"Americans: please give me a figure , how much is enough?"

"The Chinese money is not get free. People make a shirt only profit $1. $100000 need make 1000000 shirt!If you want money, go to work…"


Dent its image??!! The Filipinos ought to count their blessings that China is not America – lest they’d be facing embargoes, trade sanctions, or even drones and depleted uranium munitions, for being on the wrong side.

Instead they are getting real cash from Beijing – even whilst China herself is suffering large damages from the same typhoon."

Lots of people in China can't get high quality life,and more than 3million people in China meet diffculty because of haiyan.

And...Just search it online,see how americans blame/curse/accuse/abuse China,swear words,bad words,anyway,just like"when americans heard Chinese put plastic in their baby food, all the americans laugh"--someone  laughed at me!

They also talk about why Taliban don't attack China,it was a hot topic online. 

" when china fights muslim terrorists, they are suppressing freedom fighters. when america fights muslim terrorists, they are fighting freedom. the western press and the us government can be very biased and hypocritical."
"the hypocritical stand of the us from human rights is encouraging other countries like china to do the same. the pick-and-choose policy by the us whom to condemn and whom to bless is being copied. us legalizes the killing of the shiites in bahrain and in saudi arabia but condemn syria and libya on this issue. besides, in saudi arabia and in bahrain the killing is a sectarian cleansing forbidden by international law but the us is oblivious. this damaging stand by the us is ruining the chance for an international unified position on human rights."

hope we could have a peaceful/friendly world,but there's always someone  use"that's polite,that's american thing " and then burp / fart--that's real! I tried not to offend you,but please don't be mean to us a reference,I read it today,the main thing is "respect")

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