What is Peyton Manning going to do. He was brought up in the NFL and the guy who brought him in is going to a different team. I believe he could have so much more potential now if he went to a better team. What are your guy's responses about peyton manning?
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tebow sucks tevin i hope he goes to denver to make people mad
i will miss him i am a colts fan and dont want to see him leave but he will ne a great qb somewhere else
I think he's going to end up playing for the Dolphins next season. It would be pretty funny if the Broncos ended up bringing him in 'cause the Tebow fans would be EXTREMELY upset haha! In my opinion he won't last for much longer in the NFL and he won't be much not playing for the Colts.
where ever manning goes reggie wayne is goin with him is wat i heard
I like the colts but Peyton should go to a better team. He is a good QB and he should do the best as possible. His potential will be better on another team.
I just can't believe that this happened because first of all when everyone thinks of the Indianapolis Colts the first player that everyone thinks of is Peyton Manning because he has been there for a really long time and was extremely good while he played there.
First off, I have to say that this is one of the most depressing years to be a Colts fan. After a bad season, next year could not come fast enough. Know I don't want it to come. The Colts are "rebuilding" but they let go all of my favorite football players. Peyton Manning, where ever he goes, will still be my favorite QB. I will be a fan for that team.
Now with the media reporting about this, I find this very sad being a Colts fan. Peyton Manning made the franchise what it is today. Peyton though will find a good team to play for and hopefully do the same thing he did for "Indy"
Peyton manning will not have any problem finding a team to play for. he already has 6 teams after him and some want him for the rest of his NFL years. He will be fine in that regard, and i think if he went to the right team, and was healthy again, he could have another shot at the superbowl.
i think manning should have stayed with the colts. but i think he should go to the chiefs or someone like that. and andrew lick wont be anything colose to wat manning was