At Bridgewater, Mass. a young first grader named Danny goes to school. He was early, and has some difficulties with speech but is a kind boy. One day, some kids decided to pick on him because he wore a suit and tie to school every day. The elementary school's peewee football team found out and all wore suits and ties the next day to support their "official water coach" and friend.

This story made me smile when I found it. Even at a young age, we can stand up to bullying and show that we can make a difference. Do you think you can stand up to bullies? Do you think there can be something done in our school to help prevent bullying?

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  • Great job!!!

  • I love stories like this. It is great to know some people are going against bullying and helping other people. It is awesome!! 

  • This is really cool it is sad that he is a little slow and that kids were picking on him, but it is awesome that those kids stood up for him and wore suits to school for him. I think i would be able to stand up for bully's. I hope something could be done like people standing up for each other when they are getting bullied.

  • This made me smile. I think it is really cool that those kids dressed in suites and ties just like him. I think if more people tried to stop bullying when they say it happening a lot would change. 

  • I think less bullying would be great and I like this story because even little kids know to stand up for people being bullied

  • Its great that kids are understanding that you need to be nice to and help one another.

  • I am glad to see that people are standing up to bullies. I think that our school has gone to great lengths to stop any bullying that goes on. I would have supported Danny if this would have happened here.

  • This is an amazing story. Not only are these kids standing up to bullies and supporting their friend, but they are only in elementary school. Some high school kids don't even have this much courage. This is truly an inspirational story and I wish more schools were like this one in Massachusetts. 

  • I think that this is a great story. I am glad he his friends stood up for him so he wouldnt get bullied anymore.

  • I think that it is very awesome that the boys did this, because I would think that at least 99% of other situations like this, the football team wouldn't do anything about it. I think that it is awful that some kids have to go through this, other kids picking on them and making them feel bad. 

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