Peanut Butter and Jelly's are racist?

A principal of a school in Portland tried to get peanut butter and jelly sandwich banned because they are "white privilege." He said that they are racist because not all cultures use the same kind of bread. Many people, including myself, think that this is crazy. I don't think that this is a serious problem, but the problem of racism is. You can not say anything without somebody getting offended or taking it the wrong way.

What are your opinions on the white man's privilege and racism?

PB & J's

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  • Interesting topic!

  • That is just dumb. Different cultures can eat different food, but when they chose to go to a school, they are in a way entering the culture of that school. It is so dumb to ban a food for that reason.

  • I think this person has some issues how is a sandwich racist? Also not everyone eats the same bread another thing if this principle is that racist then maybe he shouldn't be the principle.   

  • Then they should use different kind of breads~

  • I think this person is ridiculous, while yes racism is still a big issue I don't think it should involve bread.

    • I dont think racism could involve food at all.

  • I think it's just dumb thinking peanut butter and jelly's are racist. I don't know why people would think that. I hope the school doesn't ban peanut butter and jelly.

  • umm....well first of all how did he come up with that idea!? I think that is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard in my entire life. I don't think he should be a principal if that's how he's going to act towards peanut butter and jelly. Well I can see banning peanut butter because some people are severely allergic to it but the whole sandwich because it's so called "racist" is too far.

    • I would agree that this is crazy. I still don't think that they should ban it even if somebody is allergic to it because it is taking away peoples right to eat whatever they want.

  • This is ridiculous. I understand the other rules on not being racist but types of bread takes things a little to far. I understand different cultures eat different types of bread but that's their culture. What people eat is a freedom. 

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