i am  reading a article on ESPN about the best QB in the league this year and they say that Payton manning is playing better then any other QB in the league thus far. in the article it compares his come back to Micheal Jordan, witch i find greatly disappointing. i find it disappointing  because there comparing some one who retired, then came back to some one that got injured and could not play at all last season, and then getting better and coming back.

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  • I still think that Peyton Manning is the best in the league. Other quarterbacks may be stronger, but he is one of the most accurate QBs ever. He is also one of the smartest players to ever play the game.

  • All the way Broncos. Payton Manning is really good but why would you be comparing him to a retired basketball star. That is just stupid they are two different sports. The only thing that is the same is they both have balls involved.

  • tough is the word for Payton manning good athlete was the words for payton when he was in his prime. yes  he still is a pro and plays good but his brother is younger and stronger and better then him.. i am a eagles fan and i think Eli is better then Payton, so what do you think it is...

  • I think for that team, he is the best for sure. I mean, i don't think it's right to compare him to Micheal Jorden either, but i see why they did. I think that Payton is a really good athlete though!

  • I think he is still the best in the league, he just needs to get his team together. If he gets his team together, i see at least one more super bowl win for payton.

  • I dont think he is the best. His brother Eli is a much better QB. Dont get me wrong Peyton was at the top of his game at one point but not any more.

  • GO BRONCOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Payton manning is so inspirational! and he is a incredible athlete!

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