Some people do the weirdest things. A lab tech at Georgia Health Sciences University was caught in a locker room with his pants down, intoxicated, and partying with test monkeys. He was taken to jail, and the monkeys were tested to see if there was any harm done, which there was not. Why would anyone be smart enough to drink while at work? That can, oh, I don't know...get you fired maybe? I guess it's a free country, so people can do whatever they please, but really? Something to harm your job? What are your thoughts?
That is kinda funny but that was really dumb of him your right who would drink when there working that's dumb!
Well, after reading about this man's behavior I definatly think he should be fired. That kind of unprofessionalism will make it extremely dificult for him to find a job, especially a job involving monkeys!(those poor things!) Even though its a free country, a line needs to be drawn for inappropriate things like this.
Partying with Test Monkeys? Thats a new one. Why would someone be stupid enough to drink while at work?
so it was just this guy, with some monkey, intoxicated? what an odd thing to do. He probably feels really dumb, and embarrassed about it now, which he should! wow this is just really weird.. people do some really dumb things!
that guy is so dumb. i actually don't know what to write. im laughing mostly at this. i don't know what he was thinking about when he was doing this. all i know is he probably shouldn't have this job, so it's good that he got taken to jail.
I think the man should be fired from work. He should know better than to be intoxicated at work. All he did was make himself and the school look bad.
He should get fired becaause he shouldnt of been drinking in the first place.
haha that is funny! but it is still wrong i mean those poor monkeys and in a locker room. even though drinking makes you do stupid things you should still know not to do that. i think this guy should be fired he made the University look bad.
I think he should loose his job because he shouldn't have been drunk while at work, and defiantly should not have had his pants down with the test monkeys.
wow thats wired for the man..