Paranormal Activity

Has anyone seen the movie Paranormal Activity? I went Sunday night and saw it. It was crazy what happened. Its definitely something everyone should see. Some parts of the documentary were hard to believe. What is everyone's opinions on this movie? Is everything believable?

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  • I think it lookes good what is it about like what is scary.
  • I wanna see it. From what ive heard and the commercials on tv i find it hard to believe that its all true. I think that maybe parts of it are but not all.
  • when i went and saw this movie last weekend at first i thought it was lame, but then later on things started happenening and i started jumping out of my seat(: it ended up being thee most scariest movie ive seen. ha
  • i have not seen it, but i heard that it makes you like so bored and such to the point where you are sleepy and then boom scares the crap out of you.
  • I saw the movie and I thought it was scary and a good movie. I definately liked it.
  • i havent seen it but i have heard about it and i think it would be cool to see.
  • SCARIEST MOVIE! haha, i think the whole ouiji bored thing is pretty unbelievable and the picture of her from her old house..
    it was really scary though.
    I must say, out of the whole movie theater...I screamed the loudest.
    But hey, the 2nd loudest was Andrew and he was right beside me. haha
    • oh yeah, its not real.
      but it looks legit (:
  • I havent seen the movie..
  • Well this is one of those topics where no one believes anyone else. If someone actually believes they see something like this then no one else will believe them and most people don't want to think about the possibility that this can happen.
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