So.. Sarah Palin.. no one really knew her until this last recent election. There's reports that she's thinking of running in the next presidental election? What do you think of this?
i hate liars :) she said a few months ago that she would not run for president. if she was running for a 'failure of the united states' position, she'd have my vote :) obviously, i dont like sarah palin
Well, if you saw her recentpress conference, she was readin OFF of her HAND. I do not want to be led by someone who does that. She is just, I really can't put into words why I don't lke her, just by listening to her talk and such I would not want to be led by THAT
Personally, I think she would be a really good president. She has alot more motivation to get things done better than Obama. Obamas healthcare reform is such a joke! Its funny how everyone wanted him for president, and now everyone wants him out. His policies are rediculious, hes making pointless allies with forien countries that will have no link to us, and yet, he wants to reform helthcare, which would tax us to death, and wants to put less money into the military. I think Palin would be a better people person, and go out of her way to make a positive diffrence in the U.S. , instead of trying to make just demecrats happy. Also, for the healthcare reform bill, Obama tried to persuade demecrats to vote in certain states by giving special benefits to the states he needed votes from, like Nebraska. Ben Nelson thought it was wrong to vote for the bill, and rejected to say yes because its morally wrong to do that.
I agree. I was watching a show on sunday were she was talking about all her ideas, but honestly its just like all the stuff that Obama said when he was campaigning for the presidency.