Paleontologists in Seattle was found on Friday. The tusk is believed to be the largest intact tusk found in Seattle. It is from a Columbian Mammoth. Mammoths became extinct at the end of the ice ages between 10,000 and 11,000 years ago. "Since the tusk is on private property, it could have ended up in a private collection," said Christian Sidor, the museum's curator of vertebrate paleontology. "We are very fortunate that AMLI contacted us to remove and care for the tusk."

How do you think this Mammoth died? Do you think the owner of the property should be able to decide what happens to the tusk?


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  • Better topic and questions but again, be sure to comment more frequently.

  • I have no idea how it died but i think the owner should get to decide.

  • He should have a say in what happens with it and if I was him I would sell it

  • I think that the owner of the property should decide the fate of the tusk. I think they should try to donate it to a museum before doing anything else with it though.
  • I think its cool when we find things like this buried deep in the ground. It shows that we aren't the only things on this earth and their were things here much bigger than us an long before us. I like being able to look into the past like this.

  • This is really interesting I don't know how he died but it is interesting. I think he should be I mean he does own the tusk but it would be better if it was in a museum then everyone can see it. 

  • I always find stories like this neat because we have never seen a real life mammoth so finding more fossils from them is really cool. I think the mammoth probably just died of old age or lack of food source.

  • Wow thats amazing that the tusk in still intact after so many years. I think the owner of the property should decide what happens to the tusk since it was on their property.

  • It's really neat that there are still fossils being found. I think that the property owner should have full say on what happens to the fossil. 

  • I think that the owner of the land has all the say of what happens to the tusk seeing that it is on that persons land.

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