Police say, "at least 23 people have died from eating contaminated sweets in central Pakistan". The deaths began last week after a man in Punjab province bought the treats to celebrate his son's birth. He and 11 other relatives are among the dead - in all 77 people were affected. Five remain in a serious condition. Police have arrested two owners of a local sweetshop and one of their employees while the source of the contamination is investigated. Officials suspect pesticide from a store next to the shop may accidentally have found its way into the laddoos - ball-shaped sweets popular at special occasions. Laboratory tests are being carried out after police reportedly found sachets of pesticide inside the sweet shop. By the weekend many more lives had been claimed. Mr Hussain, one of his sisters, all of his seven brothers, two of his nieces and a nephew are among the dead. Only five people now remain seriously ill in Nishtar hospital in Multan - most of the others who were being treated have recovered. Police have charged the sweet shop owners under food control and poisonous substances laws.

1. Do you think someone did this purposely to this exact family?Why?

2. How many more people do you think bought the contaminated sweets?

3. How long do you think that the owners are going to jail for?

My opinion: I think someone did this purposely whether it was the owner or the employee. Maybe someone got jealous of them or just hated them from past events. I think the owners could go to jail for life sentences if they proved that they had anything to do with it.

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  • Be sure to summarize story a bit better in your own words and be sure to link to the story,

  • I don't think this was intentional to this exact family. Im guessing they made these and this family just happened to be the victims. It might be hard to exactly target people and make them eat the chocolate. Im guessing it was just bad luck for this family to stumble upon it.

    Im guessing 23 more people might have bought the sweets because 77 is an odd number so maybe a batch of 100 contaminated sweets might have been made so 100 people would be effected.

    I would think that the owners would go to jail for however long as a murder charge would be. Possibly a life sentence. They killed 23 people so I don't see why they wouldn't face a big charge against them.

    • Yes, I agree that they could've just contaminated a batch of 100. And it is very likely for both owners to get life sentences because responsibility for 23 deaths is a lot.

  • No I don't think so because if the shop is next to a pesticide place that most likely could be the cause. I think it just depends on how busy they usually are. It is hard to tell how long they could be in jail for.

  • I don't think someone would do this on purpose because that's just insane, but I think it is just the shop next to it.  Depending on how the investigation comes out, I think that is how long they will be in jail. If it were on purpose, they could be there for a long time. 

  • I don't think that they purposely poisoned the sweets. I think that there were probably many people who bought the sweets. I think it was an accident, but either way many people died. I think the owners should go to jail, but they should do an investigation to make sure that no one purposely contaminated the desserts. 

  • In my opinion someone did this on purpose. I think a lot of people bought that contaminated sweets. In my opinion the owner should go to jail for at least 10 years. When he did that lifetime otherwise shorter. 

    • I don' think it was on purpose, because the report said there was a building next door that had the pesticides.. I just think that they need to take more precautions when it comes to keeping their shop clean  

      • I agree, every place that sells food needs to keep their whole building clean. Things like this wouldn't happen if people just followed the cleanliness rules.

  • Oh wow that sounds horrible! I can't imagine how the family must feel right now. I agree with most of the people here and think that the candy shop didn't poison the while family on purpose.

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