This saturday is Pac-Man's 30 year anniversiry

I remember playing pac-man a lot and always giving up because it would make me mad when my little dude died.


This game was relased 30 years ago in Japan it came out with about 400 things for it... like cartoons, breakfast ceral, and even a top song.


Do you remember playing pac-man? What did you like most about it? what didnt you like about it?


if you want more info about this wonderful game please  click here

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  • I love pacman. I used to play it all the time. I still love playing it.
  • i used to play pac-man all the time it was my favorite game
  • Oh, Pac man was my fav. FOR SURE!
  • I think it's a fun game to play. Especially when your really bored. It can be very addiciting. I like how they put it on google for a couple days. That's so cool :)
  • yeah they have it on google right now. I think its pretty sweet that you can actually play it on there. Pac man is a really simple game but its surprisingliy fun. Its a good game to do when you are bored.
  • pac-man is a pretty fun game
  • Lol i like pac-man but i never have any memories of playing it much...
  • i always liked to play Pac-man
  • Pac man used to be awesome, but this thing came out called X-box.....which that and the 360 puts pacman to shame...
  • I used to have a handheld pacman deal. If i'm really bored, I sometimes play in on my phone.
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