
  • this is horrible, this is why people should drive slower a lot...

  • I hope that both of them, particularly the man who was life lighted, recover from their injuries!

  • I hope the man recovers and is OK! wrecks are never good, ESPECIALLY when it comes to semis!

  • I hope that they are alright things like this seem to happen all the time around here with the weather that we have been having.

  • This is really unfortunate. Hopefully everybody turns out to be ok.

  • That's terrible, hopefully everyone comes out okay!

  • I hope both men are okay that crash looked really bad!

  • That crash does not look good! I really hope this man will be alright!

  • I hope the guy that was taken in the helicopter is ok! I wonder what caused this truck to run into the other one.

  • this is horrible i hope that nobody they didn't get to hurt and can pull through it.

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