After a year of the al Qaeda leader being dead, information has finally been released to the public involving the death. Documents were found where bin Laden was in hiding during his last days. These documents were from the past ten years and exposed several more plots targeting the US. One of these was to assassinate Obama and the head of the NATO forces, Gen. Petraeus.

I'm just glad our forces got him when they did.

Channel 6 News

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  • That's crazy. I wonder if he would've gotten to Obama if we never would have caught him and killed him. Pretty scary.

  • i dnt like obama but im glad we killed osama

  • that could have been interesting... i wonder if his men are gonna try and carry out his plans or not. this could be interesting.

  • It's a good thing we found him when we did then. if he would have lived any longer i might of acullty been carried out.

  • part of me is doubtful that they are legit and not just propaganda. but if it's legit than they certainly can't use the plans now, but we now know what al quaedas goals include so that's good, if it's legit

  • Im really glad that we got him when we did cuz Obama has a family he needs to take care of!! plus he prob wouldve destroyed the us if we didnt get him


  • I am glad Osama was killed before this could happen. However, the United States still should be careful of future possible dangers and threats.

  • I think this was more of a farfetch'd hope that Osama had. They did not have the required equipment at the time to pull this attack off. But, it's still a good thing we got him when we did, otherwise they could have collected the necessary weaponry.

  • I have heard about this this week and last but Good thing we got rid of Osama when we did, then something bad could have happened to Obama!

  • It's a good thing that Osama is dead now, but the U.S. should still be carefull because someone else could do it too.

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