On This Day..

On this day in 1964, the first showing of Jeopardy appeared on tv. Even though there has been different breaks on not having the show on tv, it's insane to have a show be on for this long and still be popular.

I really like the show. My grandma always watched it when I was at her house and it was always exciting if I knew one or two of the answers.

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  • I didn't know that it had been on that long. Whenever I watch that show, I never get any of the answers.

  • I love this show! I try to watch it with my grandma every day. You can learn so many different things

  • Wow it has been on for a really long time. I watch it sometimes, especially if I'm familiar with one of the categories.

  • that funny! i didnt know that it had been on since 1964! wow.. its been a while.. i like to watch it too once in a while when i go over to my Grandmas house, buti dont get it on my own tv. i think its funny when my grandma knows like, ALL the answers and i know maybe 5 at the most! :) shes been training to be on the show for years now, and she will swear up and down that shes going to be the winner...every time.. but she never actually gets up and trys to be on the show... ha... she expects them to read her mind and magically show up at her doorstep someday... as if!

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