Oldest Man Turning 115 Can Thank Lottery Win-Like Genes

Kyotango City Hall via Bloomberg
Jiroemon Kimura, a former postman who is 115 years and 258 days old, dodged childhood killers such as tuberculosis and pneumonia that kept life expectancy in Japan to 44 years at the turn of last century.

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  • That's amazing how he survived all those diseases that were normally fatal at the time, and is still living after 115 years too.

  • dang, he's really old. when he was little, those illnesses were hard to overcome, must be a very lucky man!

  • He is so cute!! I love him already!

  • That is amazing! And he looks great for being 115 years old!

  • Old people are so funny.  This is great he has been through so much and still living.  It is cool he is so old.

  • I think that is is amazing that a man can live that long. Especially with all the bad things that could have happened to him in his lifetime.

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