Precious Allen was convicted of assault and put on probation for fighting with a 15 year old girl. Precious says that the girl had been bullying her daughter for awhile. At the school Precious says that the girl started cursing at her, calling her names, and shoving her when she tried to break up a fight between the two girls. The victim says that she never bullied Precious's daughter and that she was egging on the fight. Who do you think is telling the truth? Also, was the punishment too harsh or not hard enough?


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  • I think that the punishment should be more severe, unless it was the 15 year old that started it. I'm not saying that the adult handled it right, but that whole situation could have been avoided if it had been handled better. I honestly can't tell who did it, but hopefully some more evidence will surface.

    • I think that the verdict was too early. I do not think that their was enough to prove that the mom needed that bad of punishment. Do you agree or do you think they needed more evidence to charge her?

  • Crazy! Fighting is not the answer, only sometimes though. I would probably call them out first then punch them if they get me angry. :)

    • OK... I do not totally agree with that, but I see where you are coming from. If a son or daughter of mine was being bullied I do not know if I could control myself either.

  • The parent should never have to interject at a school. If it was really an issue, the daughter should have gone to a teacher and let them know about the situation. The punishment for the parent was probably about right, although the victim should also be in trouble, if the daughter would have actually gotten a teacher.

    • I definitely agree that she should not have been at the school. I disagree that she should have told a teacher. I think that it feels safer to tell a parent. Maybe her mom should have notified the school, but I think that telling a parent was right.  What do you think?

  • It's good that the parent intervened but physical confrontation wasn't necessary. Especially for an Adult to fight a kid? That's pathetic. If she had a problem she should have told the principal not beat up this little girl. 

    • I agree that she should have never fought the girl. Do you think that weather her daughter was being bullied or not matters in this situation?

  • I think she got the right punishment for what she did.

    • Other people are saying it was wrong because she should not have been at the school. Do you agree with that , or do you have a different reason for agreeing with the verdict?

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