A Cathloic high school in Ohio announced this week that they are going to begin conducting random drug tests at school starting in January to help enforce a new policy banning illegal drugs and nicotine. At the beginning of the week, administrators at Stephen T. Badin High School sent a letter home to the parents informing them of what was going on and the "aggressive" initiative aimed at protecting students who may feel "pressured into experimenting with drugs." The letter stated, " All students are capable of making mistakes and it is our job to ensure that students learn from them and grow through the process with the support and guidance of their family and the leadership of the school." There is not a maximum number of times a student can be tested, but it has sparked a debate over the rights of schools to conduct drug tests on students.
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Do you think schools have the right to make these decisions?
I think that schools should be allowed to do this because they are trying to protect the students and help them if they are stuck in a bad situation with drugs.
Do you feel like it is an invasion of the student's privacy to be tested at school?
I believe that some student's would be uncomfortable being tested at school if they knew they were in the wrong, but others would be fine with it.
Good story choice and well done Jaci! Be sure to ask a follow up question with yes/no questions. Also be sure to capitalize key words in your title.
I do think schools have the right to make this kind of decision, like you said they are only trying to make their school better. Schools are trying to make the school safer for all students and want everyone to be in a good place.
I think they dont have such rights to make such kind of decisions becuse it can have ceriouse and terrible outcomes. i think that they could came up with something another that to test drugs at schools on students. I do think that it looks like invasion of the student's life and i think that we need to figure out everything and if anyone has any objections we can suie them.
I think that they do have the right to conduct these tests because they are trying to protect the students. I don't feel like it's an invasion of privacy, because drugs shouldn't be kept in privacy, and if they are doing drugs then thats on them. Most of the students that would be uncomfortable with this would most likey be the ones who are guilty of doing the drugs.
I agree with you Zane, these tests are simply to just not only protect the students, but also the staff too. They aren't trying to harm anyone or make anyone feel bad about themselves but to just keep them safe while on school grounds and maybe change their mind about what they are doing. The ones that don't do the drugs I don't think would have a problem with these tests.
That is what I was thinking, they arent trying to harm anyone by doing the test. All they want to accomplish is to have a better and safer environment. Due to drugs being illegal it should not be considered a invasion of privacy.
Yes because they are trying to make sure the students make good the decisions and don't come to school like that or give drugs to other students. It depends on how far they go with the inspection, because someone people might not like their stuff being looked around it right in the middle of school
1. I do not. It stated above that it was their job to make sure we don't do anything like that, but is is not their job. I'm not saying it isn't right for students, (or anyone) to do drugs but the schools job is to teach us what academic stuff. If the school is trying to help us off our feet and into adulthood they should let us make our own descisions just like adults do.
2. Yeah I do. I can understand if a student comes to school high or intoxiacated thats one thing, but if there is students going about their day like usual and the school makes them get tested it doesn't seem very fair.
I think schools should t least ask the parents of the children before trying to do a random drug test on them, catholic or not. I think this is an invasion of privacy. Schools should always ask permission of the parents before evening making this announcement.
The school sent a letter home to the parents of the students telling them that they would be starting these drug tests in January. WIth that being said, the parents and students both know what the school is going to be doing. The kids that do the drugs will now know before hand that they will be getting tested and that maybe they should stop, so they don't feel invaded.