Obama's Immigration Law

Yesterday was Cinco de Mayo and every year on this date theres a Cinco de May fiesta held at the white house and the president makes a speech. If any of you listened to Obama's campaign, he said he was going to reinforce on immigration, such as; strengthening borders and providing a path to getting 12 million immigrants already in the US illegally citizenship. This may not happen during his presidency, but Obama is pushing this onto the congress. I think it would be a good thing to do, especially giving those who are trying to make their lives better that are in the US citizenship. What do you guys think?

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  • This issue will most likely never be figured out.
  • idk why we just say no mexicans without green cards.. we dont need them here
  • illegal immigration is a huge issue that needs to be resolved in some sort of matter...
  • Why doesn't Obama try getting 12 millions AMERICANS homes shelter, food, clothing, jobs, and health care! the immigrants need to be found and must be willing to cooperate. Is their situation so much greater than the millions of legal Americans who suffer too? The guy who calls himself our president needs to get his act together. If the Mexicans want to come, by all means let them live here, but make sure that they went through every legal process to become a real American Citizen.
  • We definitely need to strengthen the borders.
  • isnt his aunt an immigrant??
  • Smart choice, finally...sometimes i see news about some mexican criminals use the borders as an escape from the law.
  • I think that its good that Obama is trying to help immigrants who just want a better life in his country. I also think that strengthening the border will be a good thing too.
  • I think that would be a great thing to do
  • ok well with our growing economical down hill slope i believe that we should be focusing more on getting americans jobs instead of getting the immigrants that came here on a free ride to take our jobs.
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