This article is talking about how a clown at the Missouri State Fair had a mask on that resembled Obama's face. He had a sign saying that at least he knows he's a clown, as to Obama just running around and acting like one. The guy that pretended to be Obama didn't mean to offend Obama, he was just trying to make people laugh. They are now saying that you can't work at the fair unless you have some time of sensitivity training to make sure you consider other people's feelings. I don't think that this should be a rule because the clown was only trying to be funny. It isn't that big of a deal, because that's the clowns job. Do you guys think they should make it a rule to have sensitivity training? Clown Offending Obama.
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I think the clown was just trying to be funny, and it should not be a big deal. Obama is the President of the United States, he shouldnt be worried about a joke from some guy in Missouri.
In my opinion, I don't like Obama at all. I also think that it is unnecessary for a CLOWN to take sensitivity training. If that hurt Obama's feelings a lot, he probably hasn't heard what a lot of people say about him anyways. I'm not saying it's okay for someone to make fun of anyone, but this is just ridiculous.
No they shouldn't have a law for that. It's pretty silly for even thinking about having a law for that. The clown was just trying to make people laugh and I'm sure he brightened their day. So no they shouldn't have a law for this, they shouldn't even consider it.
I don't think a lot of people want this to become a law. I understand that they might have offended Obama, but it also made people laugh.
I do not think they should make this a rule. The guy was just trying to be funny and do his job like other clowns would do. People took it the wrong way. Clowns are considered to be funny! Clowns should not have to be specially trained. Being a clown probably isn't a full time job for most people. So, going into training to be a clown would be ridiculous in my opinion and a waste of time.
I never even thought of it that way! But that makes perfect sense. They're going to lose a lot of jobs and people that would even consider being a clown if this does become a law.
One person did the exact same thing with Bush, but people didn't get upset with it. What, if someone's black, you aren't allowed to poke fun at them?
I think Obama gets offended a little bit easier than other presidents.
I don't think they should make a law for that. I think it was great that they did that to the president. He is bad so I think it is funny.
I don't like Obama much either, but I do agree on it being funny!