Obama Popularity

The closer it gets to election the more serious the numbers are when they come in on who has the lead. A new poll came in the 22% of people with the Christian faith are voting for Obama. This has doubled since the last election. This is thought to be because people believe more that he is Christian. This could also be because Romney is Mormon.

Why do you think this is happening?

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  • I think it is because most of our contry is christian and they want someone with their beliefs for president.

  • I think it is ridiculous that some Christians are planning on voting for someone who is Pro-abortion. Obama is the prime example of everything i don't believe in so I hope he gets out of office.

  • I don't know why this would be happening but i wan Romney to get in and get Obama out of there

  • I think Mormon is coming into to play.  But, Obama is not doing to bad in office

  • I don't see why christians would be voting for obama when he supports things like gay marriages and abortions. That doesn't make any sence..

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