NYC Board of Health approves soda ban

If you are traveling to NYC, I sure hope you don’t get thirsty for carbonated beverages. In an attempt to make the city healthier, NYC has voted to ban all soft drink sales that are larger that 16 oz. No more 32 or 44 oz soda’s while sitting in the movie theater, or going through a fast food restaurant...


A limit on the size is not going to stop people from buying more than one 16 oz. The city shouldn't be able to limit the amount of something like that

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  • This is absolutely ridiculous. This won't stop people from buying two 16 oz. cups. I understand their reasoning behind this, but I don't think this will help at all.

  • Even though this is an attempt to make the city heathier, I don't think that it is right to ban drinks over 16 ounces. This is a free country and we should be able to drink what we want to.

  • This would be a great attempt in the perfect world, but we are obviously not there. People who want to be healthy will be heathly, and others will just go with the flow and not care. They shouldnt be able to control what size drink people get.

  • I think this is completely ridiculous. I think if people want to kill themselves with too much sugar and fat, go ahead! The government shouldn't be able to regulate that.

  • This is such a ridiculous ban. Limiting soda size is not going to make a whole city healthier. It is a persons choice what they drink and the government shouldn't have any control of it.

  • I personally think this is pointless. So what, in the movies they will get a 16oz&than when it's empty go get another. That is only going to make the price go up for a smaller amount. This so called 'Ban' will not last long. I can't see this staying very long. Especially for NYC!

  • I think encouraging exercise is a better way to make people healthy. People aren't exercising enough and even if you have a great diet, exercise is still important.

    Also, people are just going to buy more than one of them. This ban is just making it less convenient.

  • I can understand why the health department has banned pop in some places. I heard that they are limiting how many you can buy in some places. Think about it though, less sugary pops leads to less cavities etc. That would put your dentist out of business, then they wouldn't be able to feed their families. Pop isn't the best choice for people to drink. I really couldn't care less about how many ounces. I drink the 12 oz. cans, I usually don't drink a 16+ oz.

  • I think that it was a good move to make NYC healthier, and 16 oz of soda is still a good amount. You could always just bring your own soda to the theatre to.

  • It was a good attempt but obviously not good enough. people are still going to buy cans and just because they cant get more at one time, they will still drink just as much.

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