
  • i think that nobody should be able to own,create, or posses a nuclear weapon!  i think it goes against most peoples moral values to have such a mass killing weapon in our hands.. it sucks that our "enemies" now have nuclear weapons, but they were only racing for the chance to make their enemy shrink in fear.. obviously no one is going to do that in the government.. so that leaves us civil americans and other average peoples in other places to cower.. we have no idea what the heck is going on and i dont think its right... we are americans... the government not telling us even the basics until it gets out of hand really insults my intelligence.. i personally believe the government needs to have more faith in its people they "govern" if they expect our blind faith in return.. you reap what you sow!

  • Todays world is very dangerous and to get this in the wrong hands of people could be terrifying not only fo rthe US but also for the rest of the world. Another things to be conserned with is bioterroism

  • Nuclear Terrorism is really not need at all in our world.  If it goes in the wrong hands it can effect our world as a whole.  So our country needs to step up and try the best to but contstraint on nuclear terrorism.

  • I personaly think nobody should have nuclear weapons even for defence puposes. their just to dangerous because one day some country will use them as an offence and everybody will start droping nuclear weapons. these weapons will most likely never do any good for us of anybody else. They just create wars.

  • If they can stop countries from getting supplies and making nuclear bombs/ weapons, the world would be a lot safer. The nuclear weapons would just be making all the countries fighting over power. Nuclear weapons are making all the countries powerful, because they can make other countries do things by threatening them.

  • I think it would be bad for Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan to have nuclear weapons. Even though we are allies with Pakistan, it would still worry a lot of people. Since we've been in war with Afghanistan, it would be even more dangerous forthem to have them.

  • I really would hope that these countries would have IAEA inspectors come in and take a look around their nuclear facilities once or more than once a week.  I also think that using it as a defense threat is kinda crazy.  
  • I don't think nuclear weapons should have ever been made because it shows that war is okay and I don't agree with war at all. I think we should get rid of all the weapons and all just try to get along because with all the money that the government waste on weapons and war they could get us out of debt. Then maybe all countries would be happy and not try to fight each other. Then we wouldn't have to worry about other countries making nuclear weapons and maybe we wouldn't have to worry about terrorist so much. 
  • I agree where is says something about why they are supporting a counterterror type operation. It's stupid for a country to start making these weapons. It just gives us and others a sense of instability and making us tense awaking an attack. I am very glad the US is looking into this though. All the bad stuff they do over shadows the good things they do to protect our country and freedom.

  • i dont think that nucleat weapons should have ever been made. and i know that they are defensive weapons, but people still are going to think about using them offensively.

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