The NSA and FBI have been spying on people who play the game World of War Craft. They call online gaming "target enriched communications network" where terrorists could be planning attacks. Do you think this is a good idea? What are your thoughts?
Good job replying! I think your write-up is a bit brief however.
I think it is kinda smart to hide what you talk about in it. But im kinda confused why terrorists would use this game. You would think they would have something better to use.
I would think they would have something better, but I guess they don't.
I can see why they would want to monitor this game, but I don't understand why they would be monitoring it for terrorist plans. I take offense to this article. I consider myself a veteran gamer on World of Warcraft. Never in my many years of playing this game have I ever seen any terroristic comments. Ever! Plus, WoW has 10 million players. Not all are active. It's not as popular as some other online games (Minecraft, for example). Why wouldn't they be monitoring that instead? Wouldn't that be more sensible?
I think they are monitoring it because they know it's not as popular so terrorist would be using that more I would think.
I think it is a good idea if it can potentially stop another terrorist attack from happening.
I'm not really sure what to say about this... I guess I've never really thought that terrorists would use online gaming to plan attacks. I personally think that it's silly. I don't think that terrorists would use World of Warcraft to plan attacks.
I never thought they would either, but I'm glad our government is taking care of it.
This is very strange. I don't see the harm in monitoring people on the game, but again I think it is strange that terrorists target the game.
I agree, I don't think it hurts anything but it's different.