There is many different looks on this topic. Wheather or not the girl even existed, or that they even meet, or they talked on a online dating site! The story is that Manti Te'o girlfriend died, and they had a game on the day of her funeral. Te'o didn't go to her fineral because she told him to never miss a game. They won that game. What do you guys think? Did the girl ever exist? People are saying that Te'o would never make that up. But all the researching they did on the girl they couldn't seem to find her.

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  • I thought I saw on the news somewhere that it wasn't true and that the person he was talking to was some random guy who took a picture from a different Facebook account and made up a name. I could be wrong though.

  • No she didn't. it's so dumb. you shouldn't even have a girlfriend that you've never seen in real life. c'mon. But you never know, maybe this is just a cover-up.

  • I think this is really weird! Notre Dame is standing behind him and so are alot of people. He says he is the victim of the hoax which could be true,yet he told people he met her in person at the Stanford game which doesnt really add up

  • I think he's lying. I'm a fan of the theory that he's gay and is trying to cover that up. He's a mormon (a member of an anti-gay church) so there's a lot of pressure on him to not be gay if he is, so I could see him making up a girl friend to save face.

  • I think that Manti really got hoaxed. I just have a hard time believing that he lied. And if I were him I would be embarrassed too. What if you fell in love with someone that didn't exist. Its probably hard to explain!

  • That is sad if you have to make up a girlfreind

  • I think that he made up his girlfriend and made that sob story so he could win the Heisman. Because none of the facts make sense. 

  • i dont think the girl ever existed because the facts just dont make sense if you have seen the news but i dont know why someone would make something up like that.

  • I think that there was never a girl it was just a group of people that played a joke on Manti to see him confused and embarrassed.

  • I think Manti Te'o got screwed on this. If you ever watch the show catfish it shows things like this can happen in the world. It is crazy to think someone so sick minded would fake being someone though and allow somone to get into a deep relationship with her and then supposively "die". I just feel like Te'o wouldn't make someting likee this up because if he did that is very low on his part.

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