Scientist did a study over noise pollution by ships. Noise pollution is harmful or annoying levels of noise. They believe that because of the low frequency noise, it could be affecting the endangered Killer Whale by negatively impacting their ability to communicate and catch prey, and in the long run, survival. Study's show ships are responsible for elevated background noise levels; but scientist have discovered a potential way to reduce noise pollution. Which would be to have ships just slow down. By reducing a ships speed by 1 knot could make a difference. I think if that's all it takes to limit noise pollution, then they should go for it. I also believe noise pollution is a serious problem for marine animals.
Do you think there should be something done about noise pollution?
What are ways to limit noise pollution?
Good story! Be sure to hyperlink correctly. I see that all of your comments were done during class today(Friday). That is not how you should do it. You also forgot to do your other story,
I think that something needs to be done and fast to protect the already endangered killer whale species. I think that the ships should listen to scientist and slow down just one knot and help save these animals. I don't think any passengers will mind the small amount of speed drop in order to save an endangered species.
I don't think it would be much to notice, nor be enough to bother people either. If it protects sea life, people should respect that.
I 100% think that something needs to be done about the killing of an endangered species. I think the best way is to stop this is to do what the scientist said and just have the boats slow down. This slowing down doesn't effect the ships and they wouldn't have to change any equipment.
I think it is a good idea to have ships slow down as well. It's an easy way to protect the species.
Yes, I do especially if it is effecting animals. I have never heard of noise pollution, but if the boats slowed down that would be better for the whales.
Yes. I never knew anything about noise pollution before, but now that I have, it sounds like a crucial problem that needs to be solved. I don't know what could be done to limit the noise pollution from ships, but somehow it needs to be done.
Yes, I think they should do something about the pollution so it doesn't harm the animals. They could make a mandatory speed limit and hopefully the sailors will follow the rules to keep the sea creatures safe.
I agree. I think they should set a speed that ships have to follow.
I think that there should be something done about the noise pollution especially if it is affecting other ecosystems. As to ways to help limit noise pollution, I'm clueless.