The NCAA perfect bracket contest has officially ended with every single submitted bracket failing to go unscathed. It should be expected that this is to happen with the odds of getting perfect being 9.2 quintillion, or 9.2 billion-billion, to 1. with those odds you are literally more likely to win the powerball and the mega millions lotteries in the same weekend than you are to create a perfect bracket. Your can read all about this story anf the incredible odds here.
Do you think anyone will ever create a perfect bracket for the NCAA tournament? Why?
You probably should have explained the contest a bit more but otherwise good!
I think someone will eventually get a perfect bracket, but probably not in my lifetime.
I think eventually someone will be lucky enough to have a perfect bracket
lucky enough or smart enough to figure it out
I think it is way too hard to create a perfect bracket. It is so hard to determine who will bring their A game and who won't even really mentally show up for the game. In some games the odds are just so unexpected.
I sounds pretty unfair that NO ONE can get it but I'm sure over time SOMEONE has to get it especially if they study this kind of thing, I know there is the option on the bracket sign up to choose all of the same answers that special sports analysts have.
ya i believe that eventually someone will have to get it right but it could be a long long time and take years of analyzing to get it right
No! It's Impossible to have the correct outcome with how crazy those games are! That's why the call it Madness! Unless you got lucky and somehow got them all. That'd be rare though.
its possible but it could take a long long time before someone gets it
I don't think that anyone will because in sports you never know how a team is going to play on a certain day.