
  • People destroy dreams of kids all the time by eliminating much more than a sport. Not approving the choice to remove it, but I couldn't care either way.

  • This really stinks for the people who wrestle. It's going to take away some people's careers for sure. At least they'll have one more before they take it away!

  • Thats silly. Why would people want to get rid of a sport that people love to be apart of? Some wrestlers main goal is to make it to the Olympics. All they're hard work would be down the drain if they take that away.

  • I can't believe they could just take it away! like think of all the kids dreaming of wrestling in the Olympics! That is to bad :(

  • i think that this is unfair to the wrestlers and people who in enjoy watching it. this is starting in 2020 so its still got about 5 years.. oh well.

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