A mail carrier in New Jersey took a week of vacation. Vacation means they stopped delivering mail. But something happened. The mail stopped being delivered too. Apparently this post office couldn't find a certain key to some apartment buildings, nor did the substitute carrier have a key. What did this mean? People who were expecting mail didn't get it. I know with texting, email, Facebook, Twitter, etc people aren't really mailing letters. Call me old-fashioned, but it's neat to get a letter in the mail. It means that someone actually took the time to write to you, instead of quick typing a message to you online. With letters, people take time to spell words out, but with texting or whatnot people are abbreviating anything and everything they can. Not all post offices are so unorganized. Majority of them are running smoothly, other than the fact of the government changing the rules and regulations! What are your thoughts about this mail crisis? Do you like getting a letter, or do you prefer the internet?
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