Ninjas Steal Marijuana

California Police are on the hunt for two ninjas that robbed a medical marijuana supplier. The ninjas were wielding batons and made away with a bag of money and a bag of pot.

Do you guys think there is a secret ninja alliance or is this just an isolated incident?

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  • There is definetly a secret aliiance im a part of it it is called the brotherhood.

  • I thought ninjas used their skills for real issues, not to steal drugs and money.

  • I believe that having medical marijuana is not the greatest. It causes too many weird "crimes". It is a fact that people are not needing the "medicine" and steal it buy geting a prescirption or like these ninjas are.

  • interesting... i didnt know ninjas were even real. but going with your question... i don't think they have secret alliances. that's almsot too weird to think about? deff just incident since they were just stealing marajuana.

  • I bet its just a dude who wanted to get high..  Its easy to get weed in Cali and easy to get a license for it..  So Its probably someone who just didnt wanna pay for it.

  • But yeah...just an isolated incident....


  • I think that's really weird, really wrong, and really awesome all at the same time. I mean it's wrong to rob a bank, awesome to wear a ninja costume, and weird to rob a bank while wearing a ninja costume.

  • okay, im sure they arent actual ninjas, they are pry just guys who wanted a good disguise and threw on the outfits. if they are actually ninjas, that would surprise me.

  • Thats kind of funny. I think that there just guys dressed up as ninjas.

  • that is funny. If i were the clerk or who ever was at the front desk i would be shocked at first then break out laughing and finally call the police. I hope that they find the ninjas

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