Nicotine Patch/Gum Help M.C.I.

Mild Cognitive Impairment (M.C.I.) is a type of sight loss. Studies have shown that the use of a nicotine patch or gum for nonsmokers can help M.C.I. victims gain vision up to 50%.

Also, it can help people with Alzheimer disease gain memory.

I think this is amazing how one of the most simple products can help a person so much.

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  • I agree this is really amzing! I am glad that they have found a cure for these issues and continue to research cures for other issues.

  • It's cool that there is medical mysteries everyday. but if things like this didn't happen we would never find cures for certain things.

  • I think this is amazing. I wonder how that happens..

  • I think this is pretty amazing. But I wonder if it really works and I wonder if it works for someone that is a smoker and has MCI

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