0 NFL Season Posted by 3Brooke on September 7, 2012 at 11:17am in Mr Bruns 360 Message Board NFL season started Wednesday, who are your guys favorite football team? Do you think they will do well this year or not? You need to be a member of History 360 to add comments! Join History 360 Email me when people reply – Follow
I think its fun to watch people in the room get upset about a game. No favorite team, just a funny room full of my dad and his friends!
GO GIANTS! Coming off a superbowl victory they are going for 2 in a row!
well i think i like the falcons because michael vick. but im not really sure because im not really in the "know" of football. i kinda understand it, but not to well! i like football games though!! they are very enjoyable to go to!!
My favorite team is the rams and no i dont think they will do since they havent had a winning season since like 2004
GO BRONCOS!!! Denver is going to do awesome this year, even if they lost the cutest Quarter back ever. :(
(Tim Tebow)
GOOOO CHIEFS!!!!!! i am soo excited for NFL season:) I hope they do good this year
Go chiefs! Hopefully they have a winning record. I think they'll do really good this year.