
  • I think its fun to watch people in the room get upset about a game.  No favorite team, just a funny room full of my dad and his friends!

  • GO GIANTS! Coming off a superbowl victory they are going for 2 in a row! 

  • well i think i like the falcons because michael vick. but im not really sure because im not really in the "know" of football. i kinda understand it, but not to well! i like football games though!! they are very enjoyable to go to!!

  • My favorite team is the rams and no i dont think they will do since they havent had a winning season since like 2004

  • GO BRONCOS!!! Denver is going to do awesome this year, even if they lost the cutest Quarter back ever. :(

    (Tim Tebow)

  • GOOOO CHIEFS!!!!!! i am soo excited for NFL season:) I hope they do good this year

  • Go chiefs! Hopefully they have a winning record. I think they'll do really good this year.

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