NFL players taking the kneel during the National Anthem

On Sunday morning Donald tweeted out that NFL organizations should be suspending or releasing player who take a kneel. As The NFL kicked off early this Sunday in London with the ravens vs. jaguars. Both teams took theirs chance to show how they felt upon the situation. Many Baltimore players took the kneel and locked arms in unity defying the presidents wishes. While the Jacksonville Jaguars took a different approach, most of the team stood and locked arms still showing the teams unity and passion on the subject.

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1. Do you think its all right for players to take the kneel?

2. Do you agree with the presidents comments?

3. What would you do if you were on a team and the National Anthem is playing?

I personally believe it is more than all right for them to stand up for what they believe in. I don't think they are disrespecting the flag or anthem because they are not kneeling for that reason but because someone is attacking their profession. I do and I do not agree with the presidents comments, I do because he has a right to say what he believes because this is America. I do not because he is attacking someone else's belief and that is not ok because this is America and people have the right to believe in what they believe in. I would stand for the anthem because I have family members in the service and I want to always respect what those men and women do for this great nation.

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  • I think that it's brave what they are doing. They believe they have a right to protest and I totally agree with them. They aren't disrespecting the flag at all, they are just expressing their feelings. I don't agree with Trump at all. He's trying to take away their right to protest which is wrong. If I was on a team and everyone was thinking about locking arms, I would join to support my teammates.

  • I think the players should have the right to do as they please as long its done with respect. I don't agree with the president's comments, but we have freedom of speech so he can say what he wants. I would stand instead.

  • I think that it i alright to kneel as long as you still support the country the way you position yourself for the anthem is all up to you. and i really don't agree with trump's comments if i were on a team and the anthem was playing i'd probably stand with my hand on my heart.

  •  Yes, they have rights but I wish they would stand. No, I think he could have handled it a little better. Stand up.

  • I think that the players should be standing because of the love for their country. You do not need to like Trump to still respect the country as a whole. If I were on the team I would definitely stand in order to show my respect.

  • I think that what NFL players are doing is very disrespectful to the whole country. People are upset about president Trumps comment but it never would have been said if the players did what every other American team has done for years too show respect to the people that fought so that they could play.

  • I think that the players should have a choice at least they are making sure it is a peaceful movement. I agree with what president Trump is saying because I can see where he is coming from. If the national anthem was playing I would stand and salute my country because I am a proud american.

  • I think it is all right for them to kneel because it's their choice. I don't agree with the president's comments because it is the player's choice of what he wants to do during the anthem. I always stand for the National Anthem because that is how I was raised and I have family members in the service.

    • Do you think they are making the right choice though? I agree that the presidents way of handling the situation was not in the best of mind. I think he could of handled the situation a little better.

  • I think the players have a right to do what they belive, this is a peaceful protest and the president should not be getting saying the stuff he did say. I truly believe they are not trying to disrespect our first responders and veterans, they are just trying to show why black people feel oppressed in this country. 

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