NFL Players Being Role Models

Recently Philadelphia Eagles running back Lesean McCoy set a very bad example again for kids of the world to see. McCoy has had a history of talking trash and making fun of other players publicly was at it again this Sunday. After the Broncos win against the Cowboys he replied to a tweet complimenting Broncos running back Knowshon Moreno. He replied Knowshon sucks. This is a terrible example set for kids on how to handle success and failure in sports. You see these professional athletes acting like children on a national stage. Also recently San Francisco 49'ers lineback was arrested for a DUI. Denver Broncos linebacker Von Miller was suspended for violating the NFL drug policy. What do you guys think about pro athletes behavior?

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  • Good job!

  • Thats true. Theres nothing we can do to stop them from saying bad things and acting poorly.

  • Just because these players are big shots that, I'm pretty sure, make more in a year than the President, doesn't give them the right to but themselves above others. I mean seriously? They are acting like teenage girls talking bad about other people and that should be humiliating. Then a DUI, and using drugs. I don't think they quite understand what that kind of thing could do to their career. There should be better and more punishments for this kind of thing, it's disgraceful. With great power comes great responsibility, which they aren't showing.

    • Exactly. They still live their party lives instead of treating the NFL like a job. Which it is for them.

  • Many of these players are overcome by the money and fame, but with fame, you have to set good examples.

    • True! Someone is always watching.

  • I think that NFL players should get a little more mature and have respect for everyone in the NFL. Nobody in the NFL "sucks" because your in the highest you can get in football. 

    • Yeah i agree. If you are playing in the NFL you obviously don't suck.  More maturity in the NFL would be nice.

  • I think sometimes being a professional athlete gets to peoples head. While some athletes set bad examples there are many that set very good ones.

    • True. There are a lot of athletes out their who set great examples by working hard and making the right choice.

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