Newspaper Stuffed in Dead Boy's Body!

The death of Kendrick Johnson in Georgia was thought to be an accident, until they found newspaper stuffed into the skull and body of this 17-year old boy. The people who examined his body thought he had been suffocated when he was stuck in a rolled up gym mat while reaching for his sneaker. When they were doing the autopsy to take out the internal organs, they were shocked to find that his organs were missing and replaced with newspaper. 

The father of Kendrick was mortified by this, he said "I thought we were going to bury Kendrick, not half of him." The family of Kendrick demanded that they do a second autopsy on his body and made sure that everyone was truthful with the fact that they did not do wrongful things in the autopsy. This second autopsy found that he had sustained a blow to the neck and definitely pointed towards violence.

I couldn't think of why someone would do something of this sort. I just don't get why someone or how someone could take out the organs, and replace it with newspaper. I am guessing that Kendrick was in trouble with some mean people. I think that this is a terrible occurrence.

How would you react if your family member had this happen to them?  Do you think that the Murderer did this or that the people who did the autopsy did this?

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  • Excellent job Austin!

  • I think it has to be the autopsy because the killer would have to go through a lot just to do this. I also feel it would of make it easier to find the killer. 

  • This is odd. I dont understand why people kill others. And take their organs. This is sick. 

    • This is defiantly an occurrence that makes you question what goes on in the head of people that do this.

  • I would be upset and sad I would want to find the murderer or murderers fast. Also I othink the murderer/murderers did it cause why would the autopsy people do it. Their trying to figure out what happened.

    • You are right about finding whoever did this fast, because it could be very bad having someone like this still on the streets.

  • Maybe the murderer was a student at the school who was angry with Kendrick. I think the person meant for him to die and it was no accident if his body was stuffed with newspaper. I have never heard of anyone being stuffed with newspaper before, why would someone do that? And what's the point of taking his organs?

    • I don't understand either why someone would ever have the urge to do that. 

  • That is horrible! The murderer had to be completely insane to spend so much time on this but I don't think the autopsy people would have done it and then told the family about it.

    • This event makes you question if maybe the person who did this had something mentally wrong with him.

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