People in the Bronx have started become subway "strippers" by dancing on the poles in the train but they are not the kind that strip. They do crazy gravity defying thing on the poles while jamming out to some tunes. One that goes by the name of Goofy said over the phone that they are "part time strippers" but really their just kids having a little fun and joking around to make people laugh.
Would you have your day brightened by these guys? And enjoy a laugh with them?
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I probably would laugh but think its weird and crazy at the same time.
I think that would be awesome to experience. It's nice that they take their time to brighten other peoples day. If I was having a bad day, I would want some humor.
I would think so too, They don't actually strip in the article it says the most clothes that might come off would be their hats.
I think that it would be kinda cool i guess maybe not the stripping part though.
I think this would be really cool! It would definitely make peoples days better because subways and public transportation for most people is very awkward and it would give people something to talk about.
I think it would be cool to see them in the subway as long as they weren't stripping.