In recent news the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is meeting with Gaza in order to create a treaty so there will be no war. So far this week over 140 people have been killed, most of them have been Palestinians but two Israelites where killed today. The leader of Israel is trying for a long term deal to end the start of war.
I feel that another war would be a terrible thing for our country so working out a treaty is the best thing to do. If things could get by peace fully it would help make this world a better place.
What are your views?
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I hope they resolves their issues and they don't result to war.
Starting another war would be one of the worst things that could happen to the United states right now. I hope they can work it out so we can have a break from war.
I hope that they can get a treaty put together and work things out. The best thing would be for them to actually talk to one another, without terrorist attacks getting in the way. A war would be devestating for not only the countries involved, but the US too.
I hope that they stop it is not right that they should be fighting. They are near each other they should just leave each other alone and they need to sign a peace treaty.
I hope that this won't start a big war, hopefully they can make a treaty soon because if the fighting keeps up I'm sure other countries will start getting involved, then it could be another World War. I wish that the Middle East would just accept Israel in the middle east. It would make things a whole lot easier.