New 'Family Guy'

I don't know how many people have seen or heard about the new 'Family Guy' that's out now. Basically Chris goes on a date with a girl that has Down syndrome and the girl says her mom is the former govenor of Alaska. Sara Palin got mad about this because she has a son with Down syndrome so it's refering to her. Here's the story. What do you think about it?

I love 'Family Guy', but I think this is rather ridiculous.

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  • yeah that sounds like something family guy would do.
  • NICKELLLLSSS!! hahaha - she is over reacting
    • NO MORE NICKELS!!! 5¢
  • I love Family Guy!!!! i have all the seasons but making fun of someone with down syndorme is a little to far.
  • sad messed up, but it was a joke and she needs to understand that. i love family guy and one episode that makes fun of a girl not a guy is not that bad. so whatever.
  • I think that this is a little low, however the show is known for doing things like this. It is wrong to attack a physical disability though.
  • wow thats a little over the edge
  • yeah it might be funny but i think it was too much.
  • that is pretty funny
  • I have never really liked Family Guy. A lot of shows like Family Guy and like South Park make fun of a lot of people and things which i think is kinds horrible. Some think its funny, but when you really think about it.. its not
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